Jason Dolorso


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Lead Data Scientist at Schneider Electric
Consultant at ACCeSs Lab
Consultant at AIM - IMSG
MSc in Data Science at AIM

A Petroleum Engineer turned Data Scientist with the goal of empowering organizations in making data-driven decisions. Currently a Lead Data Scientist for the world's most sustainable company.

Exploring the use of BERT in Sentiment Analysis of Evaluation of Amazon Reviews

Jason Dolorso, Nika Karen Espiritu, Alejandro White
Asian Institute of Management


Sentiment analysis problems have frequently used machine learning models and lexicon-based methods. In this paper, we explore the use of a state-of-the-art model called BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. We conducted a comprehensive review of the literature in sentiment analysis. In this study, we compared the performance of BERT in sentiment analysis to NLTK’s VADER, TextBlob’s Sentiment Analyzer, and Logistic Regression. BERT had the highest accuracy and recall score, but also took the longest runtime.


Sentiment analysis, VADER, BERT

Full text article and source codes can be provided upon request.